domenica 7 agosto 2022

Aforismi in lingua originale - Il Club dei Mestieri Stravaganti - Basil Grant e i fatti (splendido, va..).

“Facts,” murmured Basil, like one mentioning some strange, far-off animals, “how facts obscure the truth. I may be silly—in fact, I'm off my head—but I never could believe in that man—what's his name, in those capital stories?—Sherlock Holmes. Every detail points to something, certainly; but generally to the wrong thing. Fa
cts point in all directions, it seems to me, like the thousands of twigs on a tree. It's only the life of the tree that has unity and goes up—only the green blood that springs, like a fountain, at the stars.”

La nostra bella edizione de
Il Club dei Mestieri Stravaganti

L'edizione con i disegni di Chesterton e la copertina.

Gilbert Keith Chesterton, The Club of the Queer Trades.

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