giovedì 7 novembre 2024

Notizie sulla salute di Chesterton rimbalzarono in tutto il mondo.

Come è noto, il nostro Chesterton rischiò seriamente di morire nel periodo a cavallo tra il 1914 e il 1915. Ecco il testo di una breve corrispondenza apparsa sul giornale cattolico americano The Catholic Columbian:

Gilbert K. Chesterton, English journalist, humorist and author, is seriously ill in London suffering from paralysis. Mr. Chesterton was born in Kensington in 1871 and was a son of Edward Chesterton. He was educated at St. Paul’s school. His first literary efforts were book reviews for the Bookman and the Speaker. He has contributed to many magazines and newspapers andiIs the author of many books. His "Victorian Age in Literature” was published in 1913. Since the war began Mr. Chesterton has written copiously of it.

Dal The Catholic Columbian, 8 gennaio 1915.

Il frontespizio del giornale su cui
apparve la notizia.

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