giovedì 1 marzo 2018

Distributism Rebooted: John Médaille, Wendell Berry and Allan Carlson | Humanum Review

Un interessante saggio di Russell Sparkes sul distributismo.
Da leggere e comprendere.

Viene nominato anche il nostro carissimo amico Stratford Caldecott, cui siamo per sempre grati.

Marco Sermarini

A few years ago I pointed out that the obvious failure of current economic policies had led thinkers of both the political left, and the political right, to look around at forgotten alternatives, and in particular at the attempt by the “Distributist” Movement in the UK in the 1920s and 1930s to put Catholic Social Teaching into practice[1]. It is certainly true to say that the main economic problem of the present day, the massive increase in economic inequality which has fuelled the rise in populist politics, would not have surprised the Distributists of the past, who identified these trends when they were in their youth almost one hundred years ago.
The reader may well be sceptical about whether such an obscure and long-forgotten idea can really explain the major political and economic issue of our time. I will therefore initially sketch the main ideas of the original Distributists and then show how they are being taken forward at the present time in the US.

What is Distributism?

“Distributism”, as the name suggests, was an economic and political philosophy which held that property should be as widely distributed, and business as local, as possible, and preferably family-owned. Led by writers G.K. Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc, Distributism flourished in the UK for about twenty-five years until the onset of World War II and was an attempt to propose a humane economic system based upon the principles set out in the first great encyclical on Catholic social teaching, Rerum Novarum (1891).
Il resto del saggio qui di seguito:

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