mercoledì 17 luglio 2019

Building Bridges - Second Spring - A cinque anni dalla morte del caro amico Stratford Caldecott

Solo un estratto dell'articolo che potete trovare nella sua interezza nel collegamento qui sotto. Ricordo solo la grande amicizia che lega molti di noi a Stratford e alla sua famiglia, e faccio notare che un intero paragrafo di questo saggio riguarda il nostro Chesterton. Buona lettura.

Marco Sermarini
In the work of evangelization we rely to a very great extent on what is called "apologetics", or the art of explaining and defending the faith. But apologists today have an uphill struggle. (...)
The French poet Paul Claudel once wrote: "The evil we have been suffering from for several centuries is less a split between Faith and Reason than between Faith and an Imagination become incapable of establishing an accord between the two parts of the universe, the visible and the invisible." The imagination has a central role in the life of the soul, connecting the visible and the invisible. The new apologetics should not rely simply on philosophical arguments and the dry defense of doctrine. It must be "imaginative". We should learn from Newman, Chesterton, and the Inklings. 

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