lunedì 30 settembre 2024

The Story Behind G.K. Chesterton’s Lost Manuscript | Dale Ahlquist su Strand Magazine.

Giorni fa vi abbiamo segnalato una bella notizia, la pubblicazione di un inedito di Chesterton sul giallo. Oggi vi mettiamo a disposizione l'articolo di Dale Ahlquist, presidente della Society of G. K. Chesterton (la Società Chestertoniana Americana) che racconta del ritrovamento; la pubblicazione (dell'inedito e dell'articolo di Dale) è avvenuta sullo Strand Magazine.

Qui sotto l'incipit dell'articolo di Dale Ahlquist:

The Story Behind G.K. Chesterton’s Lost Manuscript is a story in itself and the person best qualfied to tell it is Dale Ahlquist who is President of the G.K. Chesterton society and is a world authority on the larger than life legend.

To find an unpublished G.K. Chesterton manuscript is something of a miracle. Chesterton, one of the most prolific writers of all time, seems to epitomize the kind of author with “never an unpublished thought.” He never wasted what he wrote. But that a known Chesterton manuscript should remain unpublished for so long is almost more of a miracle, since there are entire magazines and scholarly journals devoted to the author, any of which should have by now seized on the previously unpublished “The Historical Detective Story.” But none of them did. It’s possible those editors didn’t know about it—which makes them not very good scholars. It’s more likely they didn’t know the story behind it, which makes them not very good detectives.

Il resto nel collegamento qui sotto:

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