domenica 1 settembre 2024

"The adventure of being born": G.K. Chesterton’s 150th anniversary - The Catholic Herald del 30 Maggio 2024

The 29th of May 2024 marked the 150th anniversary of the birth of G.K. Chesterton (29 May 1874 – 14 June 1936), the indomitable English author, philosopher, Christian apologist and literary and art critic. To mark the auspicious occasion, Lord David Alton shared with the Catholic Herald his favourite Chesterton poem:

By The Babe Unborn

If trees were tall and grasses short,
                 As in some crazy tale,
               If here and there a sea were blue
                 Beyond the breaking pale,

               If a fixed fire hung in the air
                 To warm me one day through,
               If deep green hair grew on great hills,
                 I know what I should do.

               In dark I lie; dreaming that there
                 Are great eyes cold or kind,
               And twisted streets and silent doors,
                 And living men behind.

               Let storm clouds come: better an hour,
                 And leave to weep and fight,
               Than all the ages I have ruled
                 The empires of the night.

               I think that if they gave me leave
                 Within the world to stand,
               I would be good through all the day
                 I spent in fairyland.

               They should not hear a word from me
                 Of selfishness or scorn,
               If only I could find the door,
                 If only I were born.

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