domenica 3 settembre 2023

Rassegna stampa su tutto ciò che è Chesterton.

The Surrender upon Sex: 

a critique of the Church 

of England

Dal Catholic Herald dell'8 Febbraio 2023:

(È un capitolo estratto da Il pozzo e le pozzanghere - The Well and the Shallows)

I HAVE explained that these are sketches of six separate occasions, on which I should have become a Catholic, if I had not been the one and only kind of human being who cannot become a Catholic. The excitement of conversion is still open to the atheist and the diabolist; and everybody can be converted except the convert. In my first outline, I mentioned that one of the crises, which would in any case have driven me the way I had gone already, was the shilly-shallying and sham liberality of the famous Lambeth Report on what is quaintly called Birth Control. It is in fact, of course, a scheme for preventing birth in order to escape control. But this particular case was only the culmination of a long process of compromise and cowardice about the problem of sex; the final surrender after a continuous retreat.

Il resto qui di seguito:

Father Brown and 

the Mystery of Chesterton

di Hugh Somerville-Knapman OSB

Dal Catholic Herald del 2 Gennaio 2023:

With due deference to the originator of the latest foray in to the world of Father Brown, I doubt many devotees of GK Chesterton’s clerical detective would find the portrayal of the character by Mark Williams to be excellent. The BBC series, now in its ninth season and popular as it appears to be, is such a travesty that Chesterton would recognise neither his fictional hero nor its non-fictional model. Yet it is testimony to the fact that the Father Brown phenomenon, for want of a better word, continues to prosper more than a century after its first appearance in 1911. This new devotional anthology, edited by Stephen Poxon, is a further witness to the fact.

Il resto qui di seguito:


Gli "eretici" di 

Chesterton e i nostri

La sopravvivenza, sotto varie forme, di diverse posizioni filosofiche e intellettuali che Gilbert Keith Chesterton ha lasciato senza argomenti, fa sì che il pensiero del brillante autore inglese continui a essere, a distanza di un secolo, pienamente attuale.

Juan Luis Lorda-22 marzo 2023

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