
mercoledì 28 agosto 2024

GK Chesterton is still going strong despite the naysaying   - il nostro amico Stuart McCullough parla del Pellegrinaggio da Kensington a Beaconsfield sul Catholic Herald!

(Traduzione del titolo: GK Chesterton continua ad andare forte nonostante le voci negative).

This year saw the 150th anniversary of the birth of Gilbert Keith Chesterton in London's Notting Hill on 29 May 1874.

It has been suggested that 150 years on from his birth, GK Chesterton has largely been forgotten. But so far this year we have seen Chesterton Conferences in the United States, Argentina, England, Croatia and Italy, with more to follow before the year ends, including at least one in Australia this November.

In 2014, Bishop Peter Doyle, the then Bishop of the Diocese of Northampton, asked Canon John Udris to make an investigation into whether the Cause for the Beatification of Gilbert Keith Chesterton should be opened or not.

Sadly, the bishop’s subsequent decision in 2019 was not favourable. Bishop Doyle stated that he chose not to open the Cause for three reasons, while emphasising: “Firstly, and most importantly, there is no local cult.”

On 27 July this year, the 14th annual GK Chesterton Walking Pilgrimage took place. A dozen or so pilgrims started outside Saint George’s Anglican church, Notting Hill, where GK Chesterton was baptised as a child.

Il resto dell'articolo è qui sotto:

Padre Neil Brett

I pellegrini partecipano alla santa messa
in rito antico

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