
giovedì 5 settembre 2024

The inner life of G. K. Chesterton | Una conferenza di Karl Schmude, presidente della Società Chestertoniana Australiana.

G. K. Chesterton was a prolific writer on all manner of subjects, and my particular focus will be on one vital part of his life and thought; namely, his inner life or spirituality.

When Chesterton was asked to explain why he had become a Catholic, a step which he took rather late in his life, when he was nearly 50, he briefly – and famously – replied: “To get rid of my sins.”{{1}}

This was a surprising and even startling answer – that Chesterton had joined the Catholic Church because of its practical power of dealing with sin. He had, indeed, long been thought to be on the threshold of the Catholic Church. His great work of Christian philosophy, Orthodoxy, was published as early as 1908, a full 14 years before he entered the Catholic Church. On his death in 1936, Cardinal Pacelli (as he then was – later Pope Pius XII) bestowed upon him the title “Defender of the Faith.”

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